MTSS Toolkit
The Why
Through an integration of academic and social-emotional teaching, MTSS improves student outcomes by placing a strong emphasis on prevention, inclusionary practices, high-quality instruction and intervention as well as the use of data-driven decision making and structured problem-solving models. Following an MTSS blueprint provides educators with the direction and tools to appropriately allocate resources and supports in order to meet all learner’s academic and social-emotional needs and to set those learners on a path to reaching their fullest potential.
Newaygo county districts will have ease of access to research and evidence-based practices to ensure an effective multi-tiered system of supports is utilized to improve outcomes for all learners.
This live document provides access to the 5 components of the Michigan Department of Education’s Practice Profile for MTSS Framework, including links to research and evidence-based resources for districts to develop and maintain an integrated system of supports.